- Improve Business Data Quality
- Automate Business Process
- Faster and Better Decision
- Reduce Fulfillment/Lead Time
- Better Inventory Management
- Improvment in
Revenue, Cash Flow and Cost
ERP BizSoln - The Opportunities
You can react faster to this ever-changing business environment with
more accurate & timely business information provided by ERP.
Areas of Improvement
Reasons of Improvement
Improve customer services with better customer knowledge.
Improve customer satisfaction when products are always available
Improve customer satisfaction when
lead times are shortened
for make-to-order items.
Lower material cost with
better vendor knowledge and
material requirement information.
Cash Flow
Material Cost
Carry & "Loss"
Better inventory management.
ERP automates business process and
co-ordinates the entire company in your order fulfillment process.
Areas of Improvement
Reasons of Improvement
Lead Time
Operating Cost
Human Errors
Streamlined business process
Customer Satisfaction
Higher rate of on-time delivery.
Labor Cost
Stable schedules & no material shortages,
since management can spend their time managing and improving
their processes instead of chasing material and shuffling priorities.